Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I still have a job

Over the last 3 weeks I've been stressing over my job.  I was told a couple of weeks ago that my group may be impacted and that we'd find out sometime this week.  Yesterday was the big day and thankfully I came out OK.  I unfortunately know of 10-15 people who were impacted which really sucks.   After going through my 6th or so rounds of layoffs you'd think it would get easier.  It doesn't.  

To celebrate that I still had a job, Stacy and I went shopping.  We ended up at Kohl's and holy cow do they have the sales going on.  Everything and I mean everything is on sale.  We ended up spending about $350 on clothes for me.   I think I may go back as the sales are hard to pass up.

Before going shopping I also did a quick 3 mile run.  I can really tell that my lungs are pretty much in prime shape.  I haven't used my inhaler at all in the last week which is huge.  I'm sure once we get closer to spring things may change but for now I love being able to breath without the use of my trusty inhaler.  Check out the details of the run here:

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